Working hours per month 2022

When you talk about the number of working hours per month in 2022, you usually say 160, which is often not quite true. This year (2022), for example, it is between 152 and 184 working hours with an average of 169 hours per month! Here in the table below you can see exactly how many working days, working hours, number of Saturdays and Sundays as well as other free days, for example red days, Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. On those occasions when a red day coincides with a Saturday or Sunday, it is included in the Saturday & Sunday column. We also count on 8-hour working days. Which days in Sweden are counted as public holidays are regulated in Lag (1989: 253) "The Public Holidays Act". Most people are thus free on the following holidays, even if they happen to coincide with a normal weekday:

MonthWorking daysWorking hoursSat & Sun.Others
Total annual working hours25320241057
Average / Month211698.750.58


Easter Day and Pentecost

Easter Day and PentecostEaster Day and Pentecost

Easter and Pentecost have almost ancient origins and are constantly recurring in very many Swedish households. What is unique about the Swedish celebration, on the other hand, is that it unites Christian traditions with indigenous elements that stretch back to Old Norse culture. Therefore, the holidays in their Swedish vintages have many things that have no equivalent in the rest of the world. But what are they really about? And how come we celebrate them?

Easter Day

Easter is an annual Christian holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. That is why it is also called the Day of Resurrection. It always occurs on the first Sunday after the first so-called ecclesiastical full moon after the vernal equinox. Therefore, it takes place on different days every year. How then is Easter celebrated?
  • Eat special foods such as lamb, which stems from both the idea of sacrificial lamb and the pre-Christian blot. Relatives and friends are often invited.
  • Special decorations and sweets with a special focus on eggs, which according to some is rooted in the idea of rebirth. Many people choose to focus on egg hunting and surprises
In Swedish and modern fashion, the celebration is in many ways partly secularized. Therefore, the celebration varies greatly.


Pentecost is a Christian holiday when it is celebrated that the Holy Spirit appeared for what became Jesus' apostles. That is why the day is sometimes called the birthday of the modern church. When the day takes place varies between 10 May and 26 June, depending on both year and church attendance. The celebration of Pentecost, unlike the celebration of Easter, has not gained much traction among those who do not participate in the Church's activities. Celebrating Pentecost is therefore still closely associated with Pentecost and church activities. Unlike Easter Day, many believe that Pentecost should be more spartan in its execution with a focus on paying attention to and taking advantage of what we have around us.

Midsummer Day

Midsummer DayMidsummer Day

Although midsummer is for many people reminiscent of a specific Swedish celebration, Midsummer Day is a unique holiday that takes place in a large number of different places in the world. This is because its history is twofold linked to both pre-Christian times and the spread of Christianity across Europe.

Here we take a closer look at Midsummer Day.

Folk and church holiday

In a Swedish respect for Midsummer Day, definitely the thoughts of the Midsummer celebration. This very typical celebration that takes place between 20 and 26 June has a long and unclear history. While some believe that it is a pre-Christian phenomenon that is linked to the celebration of the summer solstice, some believe that its spread is closely linked to Christianity and St. John the Baptist's Day.

Regardless of where you place the day in a historical stage, it is a given that it is a common holiday that is celebrated in many different places in the world. In Sweden, it has traditionally been celebrated with midsummer dance and classic midsummer food.

Elsewhere in the world, where the position of the church is more widespread even in modern times, the celebration has a considerably much more ecclesiastical appearance. This has led many to see Midsummer Day as a kind of rock between pre-Christian traditions and Christian customs. But as it is unclear how obvious the historical anchoring really is, no one has come to draw any definite conclusions.

What is clear, however, is that the day continues to be celebrated in many places around the world and that it remains extremely popular. Something that is particularly interesting is that all countries seem to have a tendency to associate Midsummer Day with their own celebration, even though it is in fact an international holiday. On the whole, probably one of the most common festivals around the world, which interestingly lacks common elements.
